The word deacon means “servant.” While Jesus calls every Christian to be a servant, he has created a special office in the church to set the tempo for service. This is the office of the deacon. At Crossroads the work of the deacons includes mercy ministry, oversight of the orphan care ministry, stewardship of the building and property, financial stewardship counseling and training, church finances, and worship service support.
On the first Sunday of the month a deacon’s offering is collected from the congregation and used by the deacons to meet very practical needs in our church and community. If you wish to give to the deacon’s fund please write “deacon’s fund” in the memo.
If you are in need of help, please contact the Deacons by completing the form at the bottom of this page.
On the first Sunday of the month a deacon’s offering is collected from the congregation and used by the deacons to meet very practical needs in our church and community. If you wish to give to the deacon’s fund please write “deacon’s fund” in the memo.
If you are in need of help, please contact the Deacons by completing the form at the bottom of this page.
The Deacons of Crossroads

Mike Lally
Tom Milligan
Sean Devlin
Chairman of the Deacons
Deacon Apprentices
Prior to becoming a Deacon, those nominated must go through an extensive apprenticeship program. The following individuals are currently Deacon apprentices:

Jeff Maguire
Deacon Apprentice
Deaconal Assistants
The following individuals are currently Deaconal assistants:

Jeremy Watkins
Deaconal Assistant